A New Pair of Glasses

“Sometimes heaven is a new pair of glasses.” Ed Dowling

Do you ever wonder what the world would look like if we saw everything through a new pair of glasses?  What would it look like if instead of looking at the world through our human eyes, we looked at it with our heart, with the soul that lives in us?  

More and more lately, I am convinced that if we allow ourselves to step out of the worldwind in our heads, we can see our surroundings in a whole new way. When our minds are still, we are able to see the colors that God used to paint the world with refreshing clarity and vibrancy. New glasses not only change our view, they change how we exist in the world around us. We need to take the time to be still so we can find this new perspective. Be still and know. Lean into knowing that through stillness we have the chance to listen, and in listening, we have the chance to change. In stillness, we get a new view into a life that is so much bigger than ourselves.

And so…the questions is…how do we get there? It’s not like going to buy a new pair of readers from the store. It is hard to be still. The challenge is finding what works for each of us. It takes effort to figure out what tools work for you. One of the tools I’ve recently taken up, or attempted to, is the practice of meditation. Over the years, I have had a busy prayer life. So many things to tellGod. Insert eye roll. So much time I’ve spent talking at God and not taking a moment to stop and be silent, stop and listen. Well, as always, I’m glad that I didn’t let the starter box of my faith keep me inside its walls, but instead stepped outside of that box and looked for new ways to be with God. Each day my faith grows and I see the world anew because I stepped out of an old way of thinking. Sometimes we need to pivot in a new direction to experience our worlds in a bigger way. New methods and tools that allow us to come in touch with God are gifts that allow us to put on a new pair of glasses.

And so…for me…meditation…I decided it was time to look into all the hype. Let me start here, I’m dreadful at this! Everyone told me that learning to meditate takes time, it is a practice, and you need to work at it to get there. Ok, I thought, I’m a hard worker, I’m sure I can fly through the basics of this whole thing and get down to the inner peace. Even as I type those words I am amused by the exact opposite nature of my approach and the purpose of meditation. Being still, stepping out of the race, stopping the need to achieve and simply being, that’s the point, you can’t stress yourself out trying to “get” meditation. Just stop for a moment or two, start there.

So here I am, a meditative work in progress. The hamster wheel in my brain whirls on and I work to bring it back to a place of peace. The to-do lists cycle through my brain and I attempt to bring my thoughts back to the moment I’m in. This is HARD!  And yet…this is amazing. I’ve come to see the power and depth of what lives in each of us; the power to heal and recover, the power to find our calling, and the power to lean into our gifts and creativity. My world does look different when I find stillness and I pick up my head and look at what God is doing in our world. Take a look. God is doing incredible things around us. Mighty works exist in the smallest of moments, and with a little peace and a new pair of glasses, we get to see it.

I am a work in progress. I believe we all are. I love this about life. It’s ok to not have it figured out, but as we grow, we get to experience highs in new ways. I’m learning to tune down the judgments of myself and others. I’m silencing the worry. By doing this, the world does look different. When you step out of the anxiety of the race, you see how God clothed the lilies of the field; you see how God cares for the robins setting up shop for spring eggs. Find what works for you, how you take the crazy in your brain and turn it off to just be with the God who loves you. Tap into the spirit that is alive in your soul, and suddenly the world has brighter colors and joy dances at the edges of your day. What do your new glasses look like? Find a way that works for you to slow down and feel what is alive in and around you, and you will see the world anew.


Flying South

