
As we rush around sticking turkeys in ovens, deep fryers, grills, and green eggs, I thought I would drop a note to remind us all to take a moment to reflect on what we are truly thankful for.

In the quiet space of your own heart, fill up with the gift of gratitude and the peace of a God that loves you endlessly.

And then, think about how you can take this Thanksgiving Day and let it be the start of a more gratitude-filled holiday season. The jar in the photo above is my “gratitude jar.” This past year I started a gratitude “practice” that has been a gift in my life and so I wanted to share it with you.

As often as I can, I take a break and head to the beach or the woods (or my backyard if I really can’t pull it off) and I find a shell (or acorn or pinecone or whatever works) and I hold it in my hand and say out loud 3 things I’m most grateful for that day. Then I drop it in my jar and go back to the rest of my day. That jar sits on my desk as a reminder of the blessings in my life. Regardless of the ups and downs, there is always something to be grateful for.

Try it! Find what works for you and give it a whirl this holiday season. It WILL change how you approach the crazy whirlwind of it all. I have found that when I focus daily on the gifts in our lives, even when things are hard, it changes everything… and that’s something to really be thankful for today! I hope it works for you too. 

Now…back to the cranberry sauce and stuffing!

Happy Thanksgiving!


Donkeys, Angels & A Lotta Love


Letting Go