For You!
Flying South
Have you ever watched a group of geese fly south? Or maybe they weren’t even flying south, because how they can they all be flying south when I see them hunkered down in the snow in mid-February?! Either way, they are heading somewhere else. I can remember learning in elementary school how they fly in a V formation, drafting off each other, taking turns from the back of the line to the front of the line to keep the group moving forward. I love the order and togetherness of the whole thing. I love the idea that they work as a single unit to get where they are going. Ohhhh the life lessons we could learn from watching a skein of geese fly above.
A New Pair of Glasses
“Sometimes heaven is a new pair of glasses.” Ed Dowling.
Do you ever wonder what the world would look like if we saw everything through a new pair of glasses? What would it look like if instead of looking at the world through our human eyes, we looked at it with our heart, with the soul that lives in us?
It’s fall! I have been enjoying everyone’s posts talking about the season ahead, the sweaters, apples, cider donuts and the ever-popular pumpkin spice latte (note to self…I need to try said latte…as it seems to hit almost everyone’s top fall list…how have I managed to miss this apparently live changing experience!?). Transition days like this always make me seek a moment to reflect on what has been and set my eyes on where I am and where I’m going. It isn’t just New Year’s Eve where new habits and intentions can be planned, where mind shifts can be focused on …. why not today too?
“We know we are in need of renewal when everything feels of the same importance” Rob Bell. It is that time of year again when the slower rhythm of summer quickly gives way to the louder hum of fall. Without even realizing it, the to do lists grow and everyone’s expectations start to hit a more frantic pace. It seems it’s go time!
What I Wish I Knew In High School
It’s that time of year again, which got me thinking, what do I wish I knew in high school and college!
And so, here’s my cheat sheet…
Saying YES
Let me just start by getting this out there...I don't know anything...and I certainly don't know anything for sure. PHEW! Feels so much better to get that out of the way. All of this is not about me telling some absolutes, or trying to persuade you to think the way I do. It is just about me sharing what's on my heart so that maybe you'll feel lighter and more connected. Maybe you'll know more readily that you are loved no matter what. That's my hope, that by sharing the words on my heart with you we can become more connected, with each other and with God.